Extras and control systems
Upgrades for real professionals
Extras & upgrades
You can find a wide range of useful configuration options and additional functions for our machines. You can find a wide range of useful configuration options and additional functions for our machines.
From the tablet to the machine
Fast and efficient: Biegemaster software allows you to draw the required folded profiles on your tablet on the construction site and later transfer it directly onto your bending machine via Bluetooth.
Available for: All BMS multi-touch control systems
Automatic gripper system
The automatic controlled grippers fix and position the sheet metal during profile creation. This reduces the manual intervention in the bending process to a minimum.
Available for: XBend
Conical back gauge
Enables the production of folded parts with widely varying depths (individual, conical bending) as well as profiles with a narrow and wide profile side (interlock function).
In order to be able to suitably make the conical sheet cuts, a laser line at the sheet metal placement area indicates the millimetre-precise position.
Available for: XBend and BendTron
Insertion depth of 1250 mm
For cuts such as trapezoidal sheets, all our machines can be supplied with an insertion depth of up to 1250 mm.
Available for: All models
Automatic clamping beam adjustment
The hydraulic clamping beam adjustment (air gap adjustment) enables the adaptation to different sheet thicknesses.
Available for: All models
Non-abrasive placement area
Polyethylene or brush table placement areas enable the scratch-free and non-abrasive processing of sensitive, lacquered or delicate materials.
Available for: XBend and BendTron
Control systems
We offer a wide range of control systems for our bending machines. They have one thing in common: The well thought-out and intuitive operation.
BMS Multi-Touch Steuerung
mit Datenaustauschmöglichkeit
Die BMS Multi-Touch-Steuerung ermöglicht eine intuitive Bedienung durch Berühren des Bildschirms. So können schnell neue Profile erstellt oder mit Touch- Screen-Painting erstellt werden. Die Steuerung kann auf gespeicherte Profile zurückgreifen. Automatische Biegefolgeberechnungen mit grafischer Simulation und Darstellung runden den Allrounder ab. Für eine hoch effiziente Arbeitsvorbereitung ist die einfache Profilerstellung auch vorab mit unserer Software am Büro-Arbeitsplatz möglich und im Anschluss auf die Maschine transferierbar.
Mit der BMS Multi-Touch-Steuerung stellen selbst ungeübte Anwender in kurzer Zeit Profile selbst her. Über eine Fernwartungsfunktion kann Biegemaster die Anwender des BMS Multi-Touch bei der Erstellung von Profilen unterstützen oder Parameter für eine nachfolgende Analyse auslesen. Elektronischer Tiefenanschlag inklusive.
Erhältlich für: Alle Modelle
BMS 150 / BMS 100 control system
with electronic back gauge TAZ 1000 (only BMS 150)
With the programmable SPS control system BMS 150 can store up to 100 profiles with up to 10 angles each and the respective back gauge position. The table overview is displayed on a 10-inch touchscreen.
The back gauge is driven electronically by a timing belt and is equipped with multiple back gauge fingers. The back gauge fingers are continuously adjustable over the entire machine length.
BMS 100
Like BMS 150, however without back gauge.
Available for: Dura
BMS 10
BMS 10The programmable control system BMS 10 enables up to 10 bending angles to be programmed for the profile. Table overview in a 7-inch screen.
Back gauge: Optionally with manual back gauge
Available for: Dura
Standard control system
The classic functional control system for simple profiles and occasional bending. The bending angle is pre-set via the rotation indicator. After bending, the clamping beam opens automatically. Opening heights are continuously adjustable.
Back gauge: Optionally with manual back gauge
Available for: Dura